How to increase production in a greenhouse?


How to increase production in a greenhouse? How to achieve maximum production?

These are questions that arise many producers, we recommend 3 basic and practical aspects that will help increase production in a greenhouse:

–  Investing in technology
–  Expert Grower
–  Work plan / business

Investing in technology

To increase production in a greenhouse, it is necessary to increase technological equipment and components, as well as possess good insulation inside the greenhouse (anteroom at the entrance of the greenhouse) and good ventilation.
Climate control and automation, ventilation, heating, cooling system, air fog, irrigation, hydroponic systems, artificial light, supply of carbon dioxide, etc., will help in the improvement of production.


Expert Grower

In order to achieve good results, it is essential to have an expert grower, who will be responsible for directing and supervising production in the greenhouse. He will manage technological equipment, plan production, schedule tasks, and manage the employee labor organization.
The grower will be qualified to control and take appropriate decisions to adapt climate, protect against pests and fertigation.


Work Plan / business

All successful companies and producers develop a work plan for cultivation. A good plan should have some flexibility to allow changes in climate and behavior of plants.
A diagram must be done, including planning activities (such as developing a plan for irrigation, pest control and pollination techniques) and production targets. It should also include the organization of work and employee tasks, the order and cleanliness of the greenhouse.



In summary, having quality equipment, an expert grower and a structured plan that includes the main factors of production, will generate an increase in Kg in the production.

Increase Production

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