Nowadays there is a global trend towards people and companies without an agricultural background are willing to invest in agriculture. They usually are entrepreneurs with economy or business studies that foresee a brilliant future in agriculture.
These entrepreneurs don’t usually inherit the plot of land and they don’t want to leave anything untied nor have their business to depend on climate conditions, so they choose to grow in protected environments, in greenhouses.
For them or those growers with previous experience that want to enlarge their facilities, we want to make a list of advantages when choosing a plot of land where to locate their new agroindustry.
This list has been made due to the gained experience of our engineers and salesmen talks with clients all over the world.
- Terrain levelling. Some places have a light topography or soft grounds and don’t consider this point, but we have dealt with clients that have had serious problems when the time came to send the heavy machinery to level the ground or have invested a big amount of money due to a rocky terrain.
- Quality and quantity of available water. It’s a must when deciding to buy a plot of land, to know the availability of water, to have it analyzed and compare that information with the total needs of the facilities to be installed and check if the crop to be grown is sensible to certain chemical compounds that might show in the irrigation water.
- Amount of light. The amount of light doesn’t vary too much from one plot of land to another in the same area, but there are some elements that can make shadow during the day, especially at first and last hours of the day like trees or mountains, that can be avoided.
- Low humidity. It’s well known that high levels of humidity are guilty of certain sicknesses in plants and, even if some crops need high levels of humidity during certain phases of their growth, humidity can be added artificially, while taking away a humidity excess is something complex and expensive.
- Access to electricity. The amount of electricity that a greenhouse requires grows as does its modernization. That’s why having access to a stable power grid is a future insurance.
- Main road access. It’s not only important during the assembly phase in order to carry up to the plot of land where the greenhouse will be built all the pieces and equipment, also during the growing phase there will be trucks coming in and out to carry the collected crops to their markets.
- Existing winds. Wind is a double-edged sword, it’s needed to renew the air inside the greenhouse and to cool it in warm weathers, but an excessive wind speed may cause damages to the greenhouse structure. This can be solved with a natural tree wall. The source of main winds in the area is considered when deciding roof windows’ direction.
It’s not always possible to find the perfect plot of land that fulfils all these requirements and some of the problems are easier to solve than others but, growing inside a greenhouse is nowadays similar to a factory where, when you control all the odds, you decide the quality, uniformity and quantity of product. And that’s what attracts investment from people without agricultural background.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us. | (+34) 968 807 368 |