Greenhouses for Cannabis

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The cultivation of Cannabis is awakening the interest of many clients and investors in the agriculture sector, due to its medicinal use, especially in phytotherapy, also with THC and other synthesized cannabinoids, used to treat diseases or relieve symptoms.


We will define the cycles in four phases: mothers, rooting, vegetative and flowering.

  • The mother plants regenerate every 4 weeks and usually have a useful life cycle between 6 months and 1 year.
  • The rooting phase lasts approximately 2 weeks, it is carried out in rooms similar to germination chambers with very high humidity.
  • The vegetative phase must have a good humidity so that rooting takes place, thus facilitating the work to the cutting. It usually takes 4 weeks to grow until it blooms.
  • The duration of flowering is the phase that has the greatest dependence on genetics. It oscillates between 8-10 weeks.

As experts in medicinal cannabis technologies, J.Huete accompanies its clients in the process of establishing a sustainable business in the dynamic cannabis market, using state-of-the-art technologies and machinery to guarantee maximum yields and the highest quality, and comply with the GMP and GAGC standards.

At J.Huete we advise you on your best model of multi-tunnel greenhouse for cannabis and what kind of technology you will need to obtain a higher production, maintaining the optimum conditions of humidity, temperature and light with de-humidification systems, lighting (LED, HPS or mixed), black-out screens, in addition to heating, shading screens / energy saving, ventilation, cooling / humidification systems, climate control, hydroponics, irrigation and fertirrigation. Also noteworthy are the post-harvest systems, such as trimining, drying, etc.

To be able to quote your cannabis greenhouse, do not hesitate to contact us. | (0034) 968 807 368 |



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