Medical cannabis in greenhouses: more control and better growth

The cultivation of medical cannabis is one of the emerging markets that companies around the world are joining in recent years. Its use in different formats has health benefits, which is why more and more consumers are looking for products such as oils, creams, gels…
Medical cannabis requires a great deal of care in order for it to grow optimally and for the result to be suitable for both growers and consumers. Therefore, it is necessary for its cultivation to take place in a controlled and technified environment, situations that converge in greenhouses.

Why grow medical cannabis in greenhouses

In order for medical cannabis cultivation to be successful, a number of factors must come together in the environment. Among other things, medical cannabis plants need the pH of the water they are fed with to be just right so that they can absorb as many nutrients as possible. In addition, they need a constant temperature of between 20º and 28º C, a climate that is easy to achieve and maintain in a greenhouse, but which is random outdoors due to the logical exposure to the inclement weather in a specific area.

So, in order to obtain quality medical cannabis, it is important to use greenhouses with high-tech equipment focused solely and exclusively on achieving the best results in cultivation.

Proyectos Llave en Mano - Cannabis Medicinal - JHuete

J. Huete International’s high-tech greenhouses are able to measure and control everything that happens inside their facilities, this being the main advantage for medical cannabis growers. Thus, they allow them to anticipate possible problems that may arise and obtain the right information to take their crops to the next level.

In addition, aspects such as sunlight distribution and crop irrigation can be automated, so that in addition to guaranteeing optimal growth of medical cannabis in the greenhouse, the installation is efficient and sustainable.

To create a suitable climatic environment, J. Huete International’s high-tech greenhouses provide the installation with recirculating fans, extractors, humidification systems, cooling systems, heating… They can even install CO2 systems to give the crops an extra boost that allows them to grow healthier, stronger and in less time, as it is a necessary gas for photosynthesis.

These facilities have the right hardware and software to monitor the health of the crops, so they grow optimally and are therefore more profitable as fewer resources are needed to maximise production. J. Huete International’s high-tech greenhouses are very effective for producing medical cannabis as its characteristics make it a delicate crop that needs the monitoring and care that only our company’s equipment is capable of providing.

If you have any questions or want to ask us something, or even ask us for a quote for medical cannabis greenhouses, please contact us without any obligation:

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